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Student Publications

during last 3 years

Journal articles

​(*former student/research assistant)

Lee, M., & Kim, N*. (2024). Meritocratic reframing of affirmative action policy in a competitive higher education context: multicultural students’ perspectives in South Korea. Multicultural Education Review, 1–17.

Morrissey, C., Lee, M., Kim, E*., Halcrow, K., & Hills, E. (2024). Exploring the role of school-based clinics in pre-service teachers preparation: A mixed-methods study of a School-University Partnership in Australia. Review of Education, 12(3).

박준서*. (2024). 다차원 정책분석모형을 적용한 늘봄학교 정책 분석. 교육비평, (55),  267-310.

김규진, 김남식*, 박동혁, 김혁, 장원섭. (2023). 마이스터고 정책의 제도적 변화 분석:역사적 제도주의 관점을 중심으로. 직업교육연구, 42(6), 131-165.

김남식*. (2023). 청소년-성인 이행기의 경력경로와 노동시장 성과분석: 직업교육훈련 연계를 중심으로. 직업능력개발연구, 26(3), 1-40.

심우정, 이병식, 전석진*, 민경석, 서은희, 김은경. (2023). B대학 맞춤형 핵심역량 진단도구 개발 및 타당화 연구. 미래교육학연구, 36(2), 53-83.

전석진*, 백찬영*, 이승민*, 이병식. (2022). 대학생의 수업 외 활동 참여가 핵심역량에 미치는 영향: 대학진학 첫 세대 여부에 따른 차별적 효과를 중심으로. 미래교육학연구, 35(4), 1-28.

송승익*, 김정환, 모영민*. (2022). 제조업 기업의 혁신적 조직문화가 조직몰입에 미치는 영향에 관한 종단 분석. 한국융합학회논문지, 13(4), 383-396.

송승익*, 김정환, 박세연. (2022). 청년취업에 예측력이 큰 요인과 시대에 따른 변화과정 탐색: 1998년부터 2020년까지 랜덤포레스트 분석을 중심으로. 노동경제논집, 45(2), 1-36.

송승익*, 김정환. (2022). 군 위탁교육생의 대학원에서의 교육적 삶과 체험에 관한 협력적 자문화기술지. 교육인류학연구, 25(1), 109-135.

전석진*, 김정환, 송승익*. (2022). K-평균 군집분석을 활용한 한국 대학의 유형화 연구. 교육학연구, 60(6), 523-556. 

Lee, M., Kim, J.Y*., Walker, A., & Mo. Y*. (2022 in press). A Review of Professional Learning Community (PLC) Instruments. Journal of Educational Administration.

Flesh, H.,* Lee, M., & Yemini, M. (2022). Between the flag and the globe: The national identity of Israeli students at United World Colleges and local schools. Educational Review. 74(1), 25-38. 

Lee, M., Kim, J.Y.*, Walker, A., & Mo. Y*. (2022). A Review of Professional Learning Community (PLC) Instruments. Journal of Educational Administration.

Flesh, H.,* Lee, M., & Yemini, M. (2022). Between the flag and the globe: The national identity of Israeli students at United World Colleges and local schools. Educational Review. 74(1), 25-38.

Lee, M., Kim, H., & Wright, E.* (2022). The Influx of International Baccalaureate (IB) Programmes to Local/National Education Systems in Hong Kong, Singapore, and South Korea. Educational Review. . 74(1), 131-150.

Mo, Y.*, Appel, M.*, Kim, J.W.*, & Lee, M. (2021). Pre-Service Teachers’ International Study Experiences or In-Service Teachers’ Professional Learning Communities: What Comes into Play in Finnish Teachers’ Self-Efficacy in Multicultural Classrooms? Teachers and Teaching. 27(7), 602-624.

Choi, S.,* & Lee, M. (2021). Diversity as an opportunity or a challenge? A cross-national study of ethnic diversity and students’ generalized trust. International Journal of Educational Development, 80, 1-11.

Wright, E*. & Lee, M. (2020 online first). Does the International Baccalaureate “work” as an alternative to mainstream schooling?  Perceptions of university students in Hong Kong. Studies in Higher Education. 

Books and Chapters

(*former student/research assistant)

Lee, M., Wright, E*., & Walker, A. (2025). The International Baccalaureate in Asia: Navigating a Changing Landscape. Routledge. 


Lee, M., Byun, S., & Mo, Y*. (2022). Between Light and Shadow: The Contrasting Landscape and Contemporary Development of South Korea’s School System . Lee, W.O., Brown, P., Goodwin, L., & Green, A. (eds.). Springer International Handbook of Education Development in Asia Pacific. Springer: The Netherlands.

Lee, M., Hong, W.P., & Wright, E*. (2022). Understanding Curriculum from a Sociological and Policy Perspective. Maxwell, C., Engel, L., Yemini, M. (eds.) Sociological Foundations of Education. London: Bloomsbury.


Yemini, M., Lee, M., & Wright, E*. (2022). Straddling the global and national: the emerging roles of international schooling, Educational Review, 74(1), 1-5.

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